Saturday, April 20, 2013

4-20-13 Update

I can't believe I had to put on a winter jacket again this morning before riding the course..... The storm last night didn't drop as much rain  (0.44") as expected. Unfortunately due to the fact the fairways still have hole in them from aeration and therefore holding water (as explained last weekend) I have to keep carts of them again today to prevent them being cover with tire tracks. So the cart rules for today are path only where available and roughs only where there are no paths. If the forecast holds true and it stays breezy today then hopefully it will dry the fairways out by tomorrow to let carts back onto them.

The good news is the combination of the heavy rain, yesterdays fertilizer application and the warmer temperatures the last few days really made the greens heal a lot over the last 24 hours. The top picture is from around 9 am yesterday morning and the bottom one is from around 8am today, showing how much the turf has grown through  and the sand has worked in. As I mentioned earlier, the  upcoming forecasted cold (& possible frost tonight!!!) will slow down the healing somewhat, however I think that, even if though they will not be 100%, they should be in pretty good shape by next weekend.