Monday, April 15, 2013

4-14 Update

The dry weather earlier in the week was fantastic and we were able to finish all the fairway aeration on Wednesday before the rain arrived. We were also able to get more work done on the tree removal on 17 and were able to get the remaining (hidden) debris from last Junes storm removed also. Unfortunately the rain hit before we were fully finished so there are still a few piles of logs left to remove - which will be done once the area dries out again and we can get equipment in to remove it. 

Saturday brought the sun back, although the temperatures were a far cry from the 80s we saw mid week. The warmer days, coupled with the rain, really got the turf to pop and the course really greened up.

Unfortunately the rain caused us to postpone the Mens Opening day tournament. We ended up with over an inch of rain but the biggest issue was since the fairways were aerated, the holes hold the water somewhat, making them wetter than normal when it can run off. Also due to the soil being dragged back in and being near the surface when it is wet, driving on it causes it to be brought back to the surface - as evidenced in the picture below, when, checking the course, I drove through a wet spot leaving dirty tracks behind.

The greens are scheduled for aeration on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Normally we can get most of them aerated in a day but I like leaving the topdressing to the following day as we can water the greens heavily overnight which removes any sand bridging the holes ensuring the topdressing is more effective by entering the holes as opposed to sitting on top.