Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Going by the temperatures the last few mornings it is hard to believe it is the middle of May. It was 34F when I got to work this morning!! 

Although it lifted pretty quickly, there was also a nice frost, as seen below on the range. 

This spring is on track to be the coldest meteorological spring in history. Below is a graph from the Historic Climate Network (HCN) stations and it is clear that 2013 is currently the coldest, although there are another few weeks left, which could raise it slightly.

In my last post I hoped that the Tournaments would be completed without disruption from rain, but, alas, it wasn't to be..... Shortly after I got home, Brady called to say there was a river on 18 fairway..... I knew in the morning that it would not take much for the course to reach saturation point and the first round of rain proved that. Luckily the GAP matches were almost complete so I told Brady to let them finish, but any remaining traffic would have to remain on the paths to prevent damage to the course. He was able to get the remaining round of the Bro in with the cart path holes before the second storm hit, which left a mess - as seen below. The storm washed out the bunkers and the crew worked late on Sunday to repair the majority of them, finishing the last few holes up yesterday. At least it helped wash most of the remaining sand into the greens and tomorrow they will be back to our normal mowing height. It looks like the really cold weather is gone for the summer so the course should recover fully from the last remaining aeration scars over the next week. 

Another job that was crossed off the list this week will make the walkers very happy. We placed some new rocks into the creek behind 11 so it can be easily crossed again. I added taller rocks this time so it should take longer for them to become submerged, unlike the last ones. 

Finally we rolled the new sod on 17 fairway today. Our greens rollers were not quite heavy enough so we used an asphalt roller. The next job is to topdress which will remove the minor imperfections making it smooth enough to mow. At that point it will be ready for play.