Monday, June 23, 2014

The Fans Are Back!

The Club's Turf Breeze fans were put back out this week. I explained in this post last year why fans are required to help keep the turf healthy. 

The Fan on 10 Green

So far this year, Mother Nature has been kind to turf growers in the region as she has given us some beautiful weather. Once the winter finally departed, the temperatures overall have stayed relatively close to normal. Even though precipitation has been plentiful, the cooler temperatures meant that the humidity in the rootzones was kept to a minimum so the fans were not required. 

The fan on 1 Green

This last week we had some more traditional hot June weather so the fans were put out to help reduce the humidity and make the growing environment more pleasant for the turf. With lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s again, coupled with low humidity, the fans are off again today. It is a big difference to the last few summers where they were constantly running from the middle of May.

Next week's events will bring an end to a very busy month at LedgeRock. The dry weather last week provided the opportunity to get the weeds sprayed and they are already starting to die back. In a week or two we will be able to clearly see the ones that were missed! We also spent some time on the bunkers, edging them, cleaning stones and moving some sand around to make sure they play as well as they can. 

I hope you all take advantage of the beautiful weather and great conditions and get out to enjoy The Rock soon!