Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer Update

I can't believe how quickly the year is passing with august fast approaching. It seems like only a few weeks ago we were waiting for the cold weather to leave and get the course prepped for the season. The last month or so has been very busy with a lot going on above and beyond the maintenance of the course. The bunker on 15 was finished up but it took longer than expected; since course maintenance took precedence we were not able to commit continuous manpower to it.  I know the guys were very happy once it was all done and the finished bunker looks great. 

The weather through June and July was very wet with over 10" of rain on site. It was nice to have the new bunkers when they were put to a full test on Sunday (26th) night when a downpour dropped 1.25" in a short period. All the bunkers were in poor condition  on Monday morning. It was nice to see that the bunker on 15 - traditionally the worst bunker on the course for washing out - was perfect! All it needed was to be raked. The other two new bunkers performed perfectly also. The GAP committee has created a priority replacement list of bunkers based on playability. That the list almost perfectly mirrors the list of bunkers that are the worst for maintenance; so everyone is happy! If everything goes to plan hopefully more bunkers will be replaced sooner than later.

6 greenside bunker after the storm (this is one of the worst on the course for washouts)

15 fairway bunker used to be the worst for washouts. It was perfect after the 7-26 storm

The new bunker with Blinder liner in the front of 13 with the original bunkers behind washed out

Not to be outdone, the Learning Center also got a nice upgrade since the last update. Both patios were replaced and the rear patio was extended with a fire pit added. Deb did a great job landscaping the area and now the ambiance and facilities are a match for the clubhouse. Luckily with the course being in good shape and the copious amount of rain, it allowed the maintenance staff to help out getting the patio project finished up.

Removing the old pavers

Excavating the old patio base

Building the tray for the fire pit  

Scott making final measurements for the pit

The finished project

So to the course itself, like I mentioned it has gone through the season so far exceptionally well. The changes to the spring aeration have paid off with extremely good rooting on greens especially considering how wet it has been (normally wet weather means short roots as the plant does not need to 'hunt' for water.) However that does not mean we can cut back on the cultural practices needed to keep the greens in top shape. 

I probably notice stuff around the course that most don't. It's a problem, I'm seeking help!! Although the crabgrass was sprayed preventatively there was some areas skipped. Both it and the random broadleaf weeds around the property have been sprayed and are starting to die. The herbicides have to dry for 24 hours to ensure efficacy and to make sure they do not run off so timing is crucial; some times this makes it difficult to get them sprayed in a timely manner when the weather does not cooperate. It's extremely frustrating as I wait for it to die! I mentioned earlier in the year that Annual Bluegrass Weevils had eaten the poa on the collars - which we wanted. We sprayed them to make sure they didn't spread but over the last week we found them eating the bentgrass on the fairways; so much for them having a diet of poa! We found it quick enough before any major damage occurred and now will make an addition to the yearly pest programs to ensure they are not an issue going forward. 

Annual Bluegrass (Hyperodes) Weevil Larve

Hyperodes damage on 1 fairway

Central Pennsylvania Golf was on the world stage over the last month, with the US Women's Open at Lancaster Country Club. One of the greens crew, who lives in Lancaster, volunteered on the grounds crew for the week and had a wonderful time. Cody and I spent a few mornings there early in the week helping out also. It was great to spend a few hours behind the ropes of a tournament again and see how much effort goes into presenting a course for a major event. It was hard for me to believe it has been almost twenty years since I last worked a major tournament!

The next big event is Fall aeration which is scheduled for the 17th. The long range forecast looks good and we are hoping that it will be as successful as last year's.

Enjoy the next few weeks up to aeration. As always let me know if you have any questions or concerns: