Thursday, December 27, 2012

The First Post!!

Welcome to the maintenance blog for LedgeRock Golf Club. I tossed the idea of starting one around a number of times in the past to find the best method to communicate what is going on around the course and why I do things the way I do. I kept arriving back at a blog being the best method but I wanted to make sure I would have the time to keep it current and updated regularly. I also wanted the ability to post from the field rather than make notes and then have to come in to post it. Twitter and Facebook seemed like ok options but I find Twitter fussy and FB more of a social platform. The newsletter worked as a nice way to highlight items, although it was more of a ‘heads-up’ than a timely continual update. The blast emails worked well whenever there has been an issue that necessitated immediate notification.

With the creation of the Golf Advisory Panel (GAP) this past fall, I decided to revisit the blog idea since most of the topics & concerns and subsequent discussions were items that had been looked at before by myself or the board at one time or another. Now that the membership has grown the older methods are no longer as useful as they have been so the best way to bridge the lack knowledge of what we do on the course and why I do certain things certain ways is to have it easily accessible.  Although I had started the blog page a year or so ago (although not adding any content), coming back to it revealed that Google actually has been at work, making it a more friendly platform and now I can text updates to it, so it covers the aspects of what I was looking for.

As I get going, I plan to provide insights to how I maintain the course and why I do things that seem different or annoying!! I’m going to apologize upfront if I ramble on as I tend to get excited talking about what we do here (ok so I can be a turf-nerd!!). Along with these longer more detailed updates, my plan is to post short updates regularly as I see things in the field that I feel warrant attention and then I can elaborate as needed later.  Finally if anyone has a question on a post, anything I’m doing, not doing, a topic you have a question on or anything else related to the course or its maintenance just send me an email